thoughts running squares in my head

I had this friend @ a church camp when I was 15 tell me, “Elise, thoughts don’t run circles in your head, they run squares.” Totally true! Ever since then, I’ve used that to explain how my thoughts feel in my head. Almost every day this week, I was thinking about what I would blog, but couldn’t seem to stick to one thing! In my head, thoughts are going one way, then that leads to a tangent thought which bumps & leads to another thought, and then I have a square! Continue reading “thoughts running squares in my head”

Christian != Republican

You would think it wouldn’t be that hard understand. It seems that “everybody” likes to generalize and put people in their labeled cubbyholes when they don’t agree with their worldview. Wait, did I just do that? It seems so much easier to group types of people together rather than to set aside a given perception and deal with the individual. it seems all “Christians” are perceived as right-wing conservative republicans. It also seems that most people are okay with that generalization. However if “Christians” dislike  something that makes us “racists”, “hypocrites” or “bigots”? Believe me when I say, I know there are some amongst the body of believers. But again, don’t we all do it? Continue reading “Christian != Republican”

Why so “busy”?

I have been wondering lately, and it seems like it keeps coming up, why are we so “busy”? You ever ask somebody how they are doing and they say “I’m ‘busy'”. Since when did “busy” become a reflection of the emotional state of our lives? “Busy” is something we do, not something we are.

“Busy” is an excuse not a reason. I say that because “busy” seems to be a way for me to become so preoccupied on a day-to-day basis that I am missing out on life. Like lately, I have been to “busy” to blog. I haven’t really been so preoccupied that I couldn’t sit down and write something for the great ether to diseminate, just that I didn’t want to make the time to do it. I that case, “busy” could mean lazy. Continue reading “Why so “busy”?”

What have I done?

Well, in my wild experimenting with this site today I managed to take the whole thing down, cause a problem at the hosting company and I became generally frustrated with my website.

I’m better now. I learned what not to do with my site today. I was experimenting with tons of plug-ins and managed to get the site into a non-functional mode. Luckily I exported my blogs before I really blew up the front-end of the site. Many hours and phone calls later all is well.

It is amazing to me how much of my time a spend now thinking about what I want on my site and my excitement about writing these blogs. There is just something different when it is “my” site vs a page on Facebook or MySpace (you can find me in those too).

Most of all I want my site to reflect me, perhaps I just haven’t had to do deep soul searching in a while. So, here I am soul searching, writing, listening. What have I done? I’ve given myself a much needed outlet. Now, I just need to be careful with it.