loving my weirdo children

I’ve spent most of my life being weird. For a long time, I was frustrated with that fact. I wanted to fit in. It took meeting my husband & having him “love me, just as I am” for me to truly accept myself. Of course, I didn’t like/love/accept myself as I was right away. It took me a bit to get through all of the negativity that I had believed about myself for so long. It took me about 6 years of having thetallone in my life before I had a “breakthrough” to being glad that God made me the way I was. That was quite a few years ago, now, and I never thought that God would decide to gift me with two lovely little girls who are as weird as I am (sometimes more weird than I am!). thetallone, I like to say, passes for normal. When I introduce him to people, he seems normal. That is, until he starts chatting about Star Wars, Star Trek, or any of his other geeky things he loves. I do love that he is actually a geek & I am quite amused that he can pass as normal. Continue reading “loving my weirdo children”


Being accountable to my husband (and best friend) is difficult sometimes, but I would not change him for the world. I like having someone that can call me on my crap (most times). Sometimes I have a LOT of it! It’s even better when you can call them on their crap as well! I really don’t know what I would do w/out someone that I trust so much. Thetallone and I have been through a lot. Not as much as some, but definitely more than others. He stayed when I was pregnant (especially the first time! I was NOT fun to be around.), he takes care of the girls while I work weekends, etc. But, sometimes, I would just like to get away with something. I would like to hide in my book for a couple of days. Or hide in the computer. To not have someone call me on it, or keep me accountable to the person I want to be. The mom who is here, and present. The wife who remembers to ask her husband how school/work/life is. The good friend who remembers to check in on her “people.” Usually, I get over the feeling of wanting to stay hidden pretty quickly. All it takes is to get myself back from my “hidey hole” then I realize what I’ve been missing! Continue reading “accountability”