my blogger name

I really tried to put a lot of thought into my blogger name. I’m very big into names, sometimes a bit more than necessary! I even “collect” names, mostly “E” names & middle names. I’ve found that many people do put stock in their names & their names meanings. I considered “themomone” but that is NOT all that I am (even though it does feel like it some days!). “thewifeone” was definitely not an accurate description of who I am completely, either. thetallone is actually the one who came up with my name, & I have to say, he did a decent job! It’s not as limiting as the other names I considered. As for me,  I’ve always really liked my given name. I know a number of people who like their first name, or their middle name, but not always both! I don’t always count a last name, since sometimes that can change…. 😉 I think a name is important, whether it’s the name your parents gave you @ birth, or one you find along the way. What do you think? Do you like your given name, or have a nickname you think suits you best?