Being accountable to my husband (and best friend) is difficult sometimes, but I would not change him for the world. I like having someone that can call me on my crap (most times). Sometimes I have a LOT of it! It’s even better when you can call them on their crap as well! I really don’t know what I would do w/out someone that I trust so much. Thetallone and I have been through a lot. Not as much as some, but definitely more than others. He stayed when I was pregnant (especially the first time! I was NOT fun to be around.), he takes care of the girls while I work weekends, etc. But, sometimes, I would just like to get away with something. I would like to hide in my book for a couple of days. Or hide in the computer. To not have someone call me on it, or keep me accountable to the person I want to be. The mom who is here, and present. The wife who remembers to ask her husband how school/work/life is. The good friend who remembers to check in on her “people.” Usually, I get over the feeling of wanting to stay hidden pretty quickly. All it takes is to get myself back from my “hidey hole” then I realize what I’ve been missing! Continue reading “accountability”
Tag: life
my interesting life
I know this lady who tells everyone who complains about not having enough patience “Don’t ask God for more patience. He will give you more opportunities to learn it!” When you ask God for more patience, things get put in your path that try & grow your patience. I met this lady when I was in jr. high, so I have never asked for patience. I have never asked God directly for my life to remain interesting, either, but I have told myself that all I ask for is that my life remains interesting. I have thetallone, and he most certainly keeps my life interesting. He’s a go-go-go type of person and is pretty busy most always. I am more of a homebody & always have been. That is one thing that is a bit different with being a stay @ home mom. After being in the house all day with the 2 kids & dog, I don’t mind going out! (cash on hand can sometimes prevent going out, though!) Family has always kept things interesting in our lives as well. My parents thetallone’s parents, and all 3 of our siblings plus their spouses & children. It’s not even that large of a group of people! Thetallone and I were married for 3 ½ years before theblondeone was born. Her personality is much like mine, with just enough of thetallone’s to keep things interesting. 4 years later theminione came along. The two of them together, definitely keep my life interesting. I am fairly certain that I will never lack for “interesting” in my life, ever again. I figure that’s what I get for thinking “I want my life to always remain interesting” Be careful what you ask for in your life. What you get is not always what you thought you would!
Here’s an interesting twist…
As of today I have acquiesced to a request from my wife. I like to write, she likes to write a lot. So, long story short, I have given her authorship abilities on my blog. Whilst I will attempt to write more on here (let’s see nothing since Nov?) she will also be astounding each and every one of you with her wily wit and charm. I am really looking forward to this collaboration with her. It’s nice because it is something we can do together and apart. I just wonder what happens if I start blogging responses to her blogs…?
Anyway, everybody welcome… thechickone (aka Elise). And if you want to email her here, the address is thechickone at danielvincent dot com (no, I will not give you a link, I get enough spam as it is).
Comfort Zones
Think about this for a moment; how many times a day do you tell another human being on this planet that you are “doing fine”? Why is that? My immediate reaction at this point would be to call you a liar, but I won’t. More often than not it seems that this is my default setting no matter how I feel. I have come to the realization that people do this because there is this nebulous societal norm that tells us that is “comfortable” way to talk to other strange humans all around us. Therefore, we all accept this norm and continue about our daily routines not giving it a second thought. Continue reading “Comfort Zones”
Why so “busy”?
I have been wondering lately, and it seems like it keeps coming up, why are we so “busy”? You ever ask somebody how they are doing and they say “I’m ‘busy'”. Since when did “busy” become a reflection of the emotional state of our lives? “Busy” is something we do, not something we are.
“Busy” is an excuse not a reason. I say that because “busy” seems to be a way for me to become so preoccupied on a day-to-day basis that I am missing out on life. Like lately, I have been to “busy” to blog. I haven’t really been so preoccupied that I couldn’t sit down and write something for the great ether to diseminate, just that I didn’t want to make the time to do it. I that case, “busy” could mean lazy. Continue reading “Why so “busy”?”