a traffic story

I was driving down the 51 this past Sunday morning, on my way to church, with my dear girls & saw a cop car behind me. Now, that doesn’t make me nervous. I do a quick check of my speed & pay a bit more attention to when I am using my turn signals. I do not slow down to EXACTLY the speed limit (or below!), if a cop decides to pull me over only going 5 over the speed limit, then so be it. I am choosing to drive over the posted speed limit, so I have to own that. Usually the cars who suddenly recognize a cop car behind them do upset me (I don’t see the need to suddenly drive so stupidly), but most of the cars were already behind the cop. So, when I first saw the cop, I said “grr” in my head (just a little one), BUT then I was actually happy because for once, there was NOT that one or two cars going 90 mph on a 65 mph freeway! Those people really make me nervous! The death & destruction that can happen at those speeds! I have serious doubts as to whether there is an actual ‘NEED’ to drive at that speed at that time of day. (11 am or so on a Sunday morning). Continue reading “a traffic story”

I wasn’t the only one that liked ‘Fast & Furious’

This is a follow up to my last post about ‘Fast & Furious’. All I can say is that when a movie makes this much opening weekend it had a much larger appeal than just to car guys like me. Not only did it destroy some box office records it landed somewhere in the realm of an opening weekend for ‘Spiderman’. If Iwas a betting man, I would bet we see part five with Paul and Vin again.


‘Fast & Furious’ Worth the Ride

My best friend, Brian, and I are both gearheads of one form or another. We both enjoy movies with cool cars, big chases, awesome stunts and a decent story. Together we have explored various “car” movies; Ronin, Gone in 60 Seconds, Transporter, and The Fast and the Furious, to name a few. Let me say that ‘The Fast and the Furious’ (the first one) caught me at a time when I was just out of high school, making my own money and buying my own cars. I saw that movie and was introduced on a much larger scale a sub-culture that I had just barely become familiar with on my own. “Street Racing.” Continue reading “‘Fast & Furious’ Worth the Ride”