Enter Nerdy Fun Person

I wanted to provide a little background on myself, for perspective. Besides it’s my blog anyway. I recently did another MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) to help me better understand my personality preference and why I do some things the way I do. This was not some online personality thing, it was done by a certified MBTI instructor. My personality preference is ENFP (Extraversion-Intuition-Feeling-Percieving) with this short summary:

Warmly enthusiastic and imaginative. See life as full of possibilities. Make connections between events and information very quickly, and confidently proceed based on the patterns they see. Want a lot of affirmation from others, and readily give appreciation and support. Spontaneous and flexible, often rely on their ability to improvise and their verbal fluency. http://tinyurl.com/2ed46n

Continue reading “Enter Nerdy Fun Person”

Facebook Integration

Wow, it’s been a while (more on that later). I have found myself with a renewed interest in my own website, go figure, and decided to see what fancy things I could do with it. Other than getting most of it working again as it collected much dust and bugs I wanted to delve into the world of Facebook integration. For you non-programmers out there Facebook has this cool thing called the “Open Graph Protocol” that allows developers and other crazy coders like me to hook into Facebook with a website or mobile app, etc. Turns out this is really quite easy with a site like this. The only thing I really had to do was get an AppID from Facebook, install a plug-in from the WordPress community and viola, “Like” buttons everywhere. The coolest part is that once people (yes you) start using them it will generate recommendations in the side bar based on what people like. Very cool stuff.

For those that are curious I am using the Facebook Like Button and Facebook Comments for WordPress.

Edit (8/26/11): I have since quit using the comments plug-in, it just wasn’t for me. I would still recommend it if that is what you are looking for.


I was thinking today about stuff I’d like to actually blog about, and since this is what I do for a living right now, I thought I would start with something easy. Programming. Yeah, yeah, easy for me, right? Basically, I sit in front of a computer all day and make it do my bidding. Don’t worry, I only use my powers for good (right now anyway, muahahaa!).

The project I am on and have been on for the last several years runs north of half a million lines of code across 23 projects right now and I am one of two people that actively work on it. At this point, you could go over and browse through Dilbert strips (www.dilbert.com) and probably begin to understand about 90% of what I do on a day-to-day basis. Really, I’m not lying about the Dilbert thing. Continue reading “Programming”

Here’s an interesting twist…

As of today I have acquiesced to a request from my wife. I like to write, she likes to write a lot. So, long story short, I have given her authorship abilities on my blog. Whilst I will attempt to write more on here (let’s see nothing since Nov?) she will also be astounding each and every one of you with her wily wit and charm. I am really looking forward to this collaboration with her. It’s nice because it is something we can do together and apart. I just wonder what happens if I start blogging responses to her blogs…?

Anyway, everybody welcome… thechickone (aka Elise). And if you want to email her here, the address is thechickone at danielvincent dot com (no, I will not give you a link, I get enough spam as it is).

Comfort Zones

Think about this for a moment; how many times a day do you tell another human being on this planet that you are “doing fine”? Why is that? My immediate reaction at this point would be to call you a liar, but I won’t. More often than not it seems that this is my default setting no matter how I feel. I have come to the realization that people do this because there is this nebulous societal norm that tells us that is “comfortable” way to talk to other strange humans all around us. Therefore, we all accept this norm and continue about our daily routines not giving it a second thought. Continue reading “Comfort Zones”