Think about this for a moment; how many times a day do you tell another human being on this planet that you are “doing fine”? Why is that? My immediate reaction at this point would be to call you a liar, but I won’t. More often than not it seems that this is my default setting no matter how I feel. I have come to the realization that people do this because there is this nebulous societal norm that tells us that is “comfortable” way to talk to other strange humans all around us. Therefore, we all accept this norm and continue about our daily routines not giving it a second thought. Continue reading “Comfort Zones”
Christian != Republican
You would think it wouldn’t be that hard understand. It seems that “everybody” likes to generalize and put people in their labeled cubbyholes when they don’t agree with their worldview. Wait, did I just do that? It seems so much easier to group types of people together rather than to set aside a given perception and deal with the individual. it seems all “Christians” are perceived as right-wing conservative republicans. It also seems that most people are okay with that generalization. However if “Christians” dislikeĀ something that makes us “racists”, “hypocrites” or “bigots”? Believe me when I say, I know there are some amongst the body of believers. But again, don’t we all do it? Continue reading “Christian != Republican”
Why so “busy”?
I have been wondering lately, and it seems like it keeps coming up, why are we so “busy”? You ever ask somebody how they are doing and they say “I’m ‘busy'”. Since when did “busy” become a reflection of the emotional state of our lives? “Busy” is something we do, not something we are.
“Busy” is an excuse not a reason. I say that because “busy” seems to be a way for me to become so preoccupied on a day-to-day basis that I am missing out on life. Like lately, I have been to “busy” to blog. I haven’t really been so preoccupied that I couldn’t sit down and write something for the great ether to diseminate, just that I didn’t want to make the time to do it. I that case, “busy” could mean lazy. Continue reading “Why so “busy”?”
Boldy going where no reboot has gone before…

In 1966 Gene Rodenberry had an idea for a “wagon train to the stars.” In the midst of the ever popular western, Gene wanted to offer up something completely different. The idea that the people of Earth had put aside their differences and now worked towards the betterment of all mankind rather than for personal gain. Okay, so it takes place in the 23rd century and they wear kooky outfits and they can zip around the universe in the blink of an eye. And yes, the Captain talks funny, we can all see the strings and they always kill the guy in the red shirt. Those are just some of the things that made “Star Trek” what it is today. Storylines about morality, racism, oppression and friendship underpinned the whole series. Good characters, diverse characters, working together in a time before Martin Luther King, Jr inspired us all with a dream; Gene Rodenberry had a vision. Continue reading “Boldy going where no reboot has gone before…”
Making independent music with Kings No More
Okay, I have been absent for awhile. Mostly because the spring semester at ASU just wrapped up, finals and all that. So, I am in a band. Nothing major, we are independent and like the music. In June of 2007 we created an album that is comprised of 6 tracks all recorded in one shot on a four-track recorder. In total we spent about 3 hours recording and our engineer spent 4-6 hours mixing. Still, a big thanks to Killing Time Productions for helping us out. Everything adds to experience in the music biz. It was a bit of rush job because we wanted to have merch for our first summer camp we were playing at. Not a lot of production value in the recordings. I spent a few days working on the album art and letting my graphic design side run wild. I’ve posted that album art at the end. Continue reading “Making independent music with Kings No More”